The following are suggestions of the types of things you can write in your prayer card to new couples on a Retrouvaille weekend. See the Guidelines for Writing A Prayer Card for more details.
Important points
1. Mention what you will do to remember the couple
2. Support the use of dialogue
3. Support attendance at post sessions
4. Instill hope
Remember to speak as “we” rather than “my wife/husband and I…”
Dear Couple in Christ or Retrouvaille Weekend Couple,
Although we do not know you, you are both very special to us. We have been praying for you continuously on your journey through this Retrouvaille weekend. We have your first names posted on our refrigerator and we’ve had a candle burning all weekend to remind us of you. We each have had a small pebble in a shoe this weekend to remind us to pray for you. This morning at Services/Mass, our intentions were on your behalf and we offered our prayers for you and your experience.
We know that sharing your feelings through dialogue often can bring feelings of vulnerability and fear. It is our prayer that God will support you through this time.
We will continue to pray for you during the post sessions. The Post Sessions gave us the opportunity to hear the weekend concepts in greater depth. The sessions on values and trust helped us a lot.
Our Retrouvaille experience gave us the chance to begin the healing our marriage needed. We pray that God strength you and give you courage and hope as you work on your relationship.
God Bless you,
Adam and Eve Smith
[email protected]
The following are suggestions of the types of things you can write in your prayer card to new couples on a Retrouvaille weekend. See the Guidelines for Writing A Prayer Card for more details.
Important points
1. Mention what you will do to remember the couple
2. Support the use of dialogue
3. Support attendance at post sessions
4. Instill hope
Remember to speak as “we” rather than “my wife/husband and I…”
Dear Couple in Christ or Retrouvaille Weekend Couple,
Although we do not know you, you are both very special to us. We have been praying for you continuously on your journey through this Retrouvaille weekend. We have your first names posted on our refrigerator and we’ve had a candle burning all weekend to remind us of you. We each have had a small pebble in a shoe this weekend to remind us to pray for you. This morning at Services/Mass, our intentions were on your behalf and we offered our prayers for you and your experience.
We know that sharing your feelings through dialogue often can bring feelings of vulnerability and fear. It is our prayer that God will support you through this time.
We will continue to pray for you during the post sessions. The Post Sessions gave us the opportunity to hear the weekend concepts in greater depth. The sessions on values and trust helped us a lot.
Our Retrouvaille experience gave us the chance to begin the healing our marriage needed. We pray that God strength you and give you courage and hope as you work on your relationship.
God Bless you,
Adam and Eve Smith
[email protected]